School Savers - Vernier GDX-SVISPL Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer
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Vernier GDX-SVISPL Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer PRICE: 474.20
Vernier GDX-SVISPL Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer Description
Introduce your students to spectroscopy with the affordable Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer. Capable of connecting wirelessly or by USB, this device can easily collect a full wavelength spectrum (absorbance, percent transmittance, or intensity) in less than one second. Once the peak wavelength is determined, you can establish the concentration of a solution (Beer’s law) or monitor rates of reactions. A low light path allows the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer to be used for microscale labs and biochemistry applications with micro and semi-micro cuvettes.
The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer can be used in a variety spectroscopy experiments:
Determine peak wavelength to collect data on solution concentration for studies of Beer’s law or to monitor rates of reaction.
Collect a full wavelength spectrum to measure absorbance, percent transmittance, fluorescence (at 405 nm or 500 nm excitation), or emissions.
Conduct enzyme kinetics experiments.
Engage in equilibrium studies of absorbance vs. time or absorbance vs. concentration.
Perform colorimetric or fluorescent bioassays. Use the Vernier Fluorescence/UV-VIS Spectrophotometer for quantitative fluorescence analysis.
Use the Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber to measure emissions from flame tests or other light sources. For more detailed emissions analysis, consider the Vernier Emissions Spectrometer.
How Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Works
The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer employs an LED and tungsten bulb to transmit light through a high-quality diffraction grating. The diffracted light is sorted and collected by the linear CCD array detector.
Spectroscopy with Go Direct SpectroVis Plus
To use the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer, download the free Spectral Analysis app. The app is compatible with computers, Chromebooks, and mobile devices. Students may also connect to LabQuest® 3 or to a computer with Logger Pro to perform analysis.
Wavelength Range: 380 nm–950 nm
Support for fluorescence: Two excitation sources centered at 405 nm and 500 nm
Reported Wavelength Interval: ~1 nm between reported values (collects 570 values)
Optical resolution (FWHM): 5.0 nm
Wavelength accuracy: ± 4.0 nm
Photometric accuracy: ± 0.10 A.U.
Dimensions: 15 cm x 9 cm x 4 cm
Light Sources: Incandescent white bulb, approximately 8000 hour lifetime, one-step calibration. LED-based, approximately 100,000 hour lifetime. No external power is required.
Typical scan time: ~2 s
Connections: Bluetooth and USB
What’s Included
Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer
15 plastic cuvettes and lids
Mini USB Cable
Power supply
Compatible Interfaces
The Go Direct SpectoVis Plus Spectrophotometer is compatible with these interfaces:
LabQuest 3
LabQuest 2
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